Category Archives: Electronics

Any project including electronics.

Raspberry Pi VNC Server Setup

Seeting up Remote Access With Tight VNC

Open a terminal if you are logged into your Pi with a connected display or Use Putty to SSH into your Pi if you are working on it over the network or remotely.

Type in

Sudo apt-get update

Now type in

Sudo apt-get install tightvncserver

When asked

After this operation, 9,988 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?

answer with ‘y’


Sudo vncserver

It will ask you for a password to use for the VNC access twice. Just type in the same password both times. This will be the password you will have to enter each time you access your Pi over VNC.
It will also ask if you want to enter a view only password. I don’t use that so I always say no, but if you want to be able to view without control you do it then.
When its done you should see something like this.








Now you will need to download and install the Tight VNC Viewer on your computer.

Get it at

Once installed open it up and type the IP address of your Pi succeeded by :1 and hit Enter


You should be prompted for your password and after entering your password you will be greeted with the view and control of your Pi’s desktop.

VNC-Access VNC-desktop

How to use a Triac to switch AC Voltage on and off (Simple)

This is a simple explanation of how to use a triac and opto isolator to switch AC voltages on and off to a device (load). The opto isolator is used to give a physical separation between the low voltage and the high voltage circuits. The Arduino is optional. You can substitute the signal coming from the Arduino with any 5 volt DC signal voltage. This cannot be used for dimming lights.  The opto isolator I used is a M0c3041. Take notice that in the schematic the opto isolator has a triac and not just a switching transistor. This is essential piece. It allows current to flow in both directions when the opto isolator is switched on.  Please feel free to ask questions.

Triac_Schematic Triac_Switch_bb

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